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Kyong Park
Detroit / New York

1978 Bachelor of Science in Architecture, University of Michigan
1982-98 Gründer und Direktor, Store Front for Art and Architekture, New York
1996 Co-Editor, "Blind sites: provisional Utopia"
Jury/Moderator, "Dispersed Practices",
Guadalajara, Mexiko
1997 Kommisar, Kaanggju Biennale Korea
1997 Loeb Fellow, Harvard University Graduate School of Architecture
1998 Governor's Award, Skowegen School of Painting and Sculpture
1998 Jury/Moderator, Arco Conference, Madrid
1998 Gründer und Direktor, ICUE International Center for Urban Ecology
2000 Mitglied des wissenschaftlichen Comité, Architektur-Biennale Venedig
2000 Architektur-Filmpreis, Videofest Florenz, Italien
2001 Lehrtätigkeit, Southern California Institut of Architecture / Rhode Island School of Design /
City University, New York
Visiting Professor, Architektur, University of Detroit Mercy
2001 Jury/Moderator, 6th Conference of International Architecture Monterrey, Mexico


24620 - Sindelfingen, 1999 - 2001
Architecture of Resistance, Detroit 1999